Homilies (Page 12)

A Note from the Pastor – April 14

The disciples locked in after abandoning the Lord. They know deep inside that they betrayed, ran away, and are still afraid: what is less trustworthy than that disbanded little group? And yet Jesus comes to them. Not from far or above, not on the fringes, but, the Gospel says, in their midst. And he says…

A Note from the Pastor – April 6

Easter came to us through the eyes and faith of the women who had followed Jesus in a dawn full of surprises, rushing, and fears. Mary of Magdala and Mary of James left home in darkness before dawn in haste. With the urgency of those who love, they wanted to go to the tomb empty-handed,…

A Note from the Pastor – March 31

We enter the week of all weeks, which narrates the man who loved beyond limits, the giver of meaningful new lives, blessed the poor and the joyful, and made people witness a glimpse of what the heavens feel like. I look at Calvary and see a naked man, crucified and dying. Yet, a man with…

March 26 Homily

Welcome to the 5th Sunday of Lent.  We’re getting close to the end!  We have Palm Sunday next weekend and Holy Week festivities begin.  Today, Lazarus is restored to life after FOUR days in a tomb.  Let’s look at how Jesus, as the SOURCE of new life, uses this moment to teach Martha and Mary,…

A Note from the Pastor – March 17

Our Sunday scripture’s protagonist is the last man in town, a beggar blind from birth who has never seen the sun or his mother’s face. So poor he has nothing, possessing only himself; he only hears the crowds of people rushing with prayers into the temple and deciphers in his heart when he might witness…

A Note from the Pastor – March 10

On a hot day in Samaria by the well of Jacob, an unexpected meet-up, Jesus and a foreign woman eye to eye. Not inside a synagogue, not a pulpit, but the low wall of a well, for a heart-to-heart conversation. Jesus goes straight to the essentials: “Go and call the one you love.” He knows…

A Note from the Pastor – March 3

Jesus made his way up a high mountain. The mountains are like index fingers pointing to the mystery and depths of the cosmos, and they tell us that life is an ascent to more light. After reaching the summit, suddenly Jesus’ face shines like the sun. That human face of sunshine is also our face: everyone…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 24

Lent is beautiful. It does not impose itself as the penitential season. Still, it proposes itself as the season of new beginnings: just like spring that gives us the example of rebirth, of life, that points straight toward the light of Easter. (What would you have to resurrect between now and Easter?) If you think…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 17

This Sunday, we read: You have heard that it was said: “an eye for an eye,” (which was already tremendous progress) —but Jesus continues: “if one slaps you on the right cheek, you also turn the other cheek.” Turn the other cheek, which means unarmed and not instilling fear. Jesus does not propose the morbid…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 10

Jesus’ aim was not a “new morality” but a liberation. But how is this possible? When Mary said, “Yes, your will be done,” she gave birth to God. So we, like her, can bring God into the world: give birth to love. You have heard what was said. But I say to you: Jesus does…