Homilies (Page 12)

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today was established by Pope Francis as the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. As we remember the Joachim and Anne the grandparents of Jesus this week, we ask for blessings on all our grandparents and seniors. In today’s gospel Jesus goes to a certain place to pray. He seems to know the secret…

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear sisters and brothers, The two prominent characters in today’s Gospel passage are Martha and Mary. Throughout thecenturies, these two characters symbolize the two ways of serving in Church, which are morecommonly known as “ora et labora” (to pray and to work). Martha, who is busy with manythings, stands for the active life, whereas Mary,…

A Message from Fr. George – July 8

Our pastor is enjoying his summer vacation in France. Today’s pastor notes are provided by Fr. George:  Loving is not too tricky, right? Many of us are surrounded by kind, lovely people trying to do the right thing. Indeed, to “love your neighbor as yourself” seems like it should be easy enough. Treat people like…

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Happy 4th of July Weekend!  Welcome to all our visitors.  This weekend we celebrate the courage of our forefathers in creating a new republic and a new way of life.   Applying this to our spiritual lives, we look at how we, in St. Paul’s words, “Become a new creation.”   I’d like to start with a…

A Note from the Pastor – June 24

“Follow me,” Jesus calls out in this weekend’s Gospel. He summons us as well, and his call is challenging. Being a disciple means putting aside one’s own personal concerns. It also means following Jesus no matter how difficult. Up until now, Jesus spent his time preaching, teaching, and healing around Galilee. But now Jesus has…

Holy Trinity

Today is Trinity Sunday. I have much more to tell you but you cannot bear it now.”  God had big plans for the disciples, just like he has for us, but Jesus knows when his followers need some time to get up to speed.  Today’s readings emphasize wisdom, especially the wisdom of God’s will for…

A Note from the Pastor – June 10

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three persons in one God. Easy to say, but difficult to understand, for it is a mystery beyond our comprehension. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that everything the Father has is his and that the Holy Spirit will take from all that they have. Their relationship to each…

A Note from the Pastor – June 3

Reflection on the Sunday readings: It could be said that the climax of the readings we will hear comes in the very first paragraph of the first reading. A strong driving wind…tongues of fire…speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit made quite the entrance! But the special effects are only the beginning. With the Holy Spirit,…

A Note from the Pastor – May 27

This weekend we celebrate that day when Jesus Christ, having risen from the dead and appeared to his disciples with his gift of peace and his command to preach to all the nations, ascended to heaven to be with the Father forever. The portion of his mission which necessitated his physical presence here on earth…

A Note from the Pastor – May 20

We continue to celebrate the Easter season, this fifty-day celebration of the Risen Lord’s victory over the grave. It stretches from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday, when we mark the day when the Holy Spirit came down upon the first apostles. At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples that he and the Father would…