A Note from the Pastor – June 3

Reflection on the Sunday readings: It could be said that the climax of the readings we will hear comes in the very first paragraph of the first reading. A strong driving wind…tongues of fire…speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit made quite the entrance! But the special effects are only the beginning. With the Holy Spirit, the apostles could be understood by every foreigner, no matter their native language. With the Holy Spirit, we have God dwelling in us, uniting us as one. With the Holy Spirit, we have the fulfillment of Jesus’ parting promise to his disciples, God’s abiding gift to us. Let us be aware of the Holy Spirit within us as we listen to God’s word.

This weekend is a very busy time for our parish! We celebrate the Holy Spirit and the Confirmation celebration. You may have experienced preparation for a wedding celebration, focusing on this great event. While your mind, heart, and spirit are all focused on the event, you have to deal with family, work or school priorities–each demanding our presence without us forgetting the wedding invitation! I feel a little of that situation this weekend: for me, being present to parents at the last SJA graduation Mass and festivities with the personal sadness it entails; being unable to be present at the traditional women’s bridge club lunch with the special invitation to the pastor; preparation of the weekend homilies; last Pentecost Vigil at St. Leo; a funeral celebration of a young man; welcoming of the Cardinal-designate. It is a wonderful challenge of welcoming the unexpected, blessing the Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit!

Have a nice week!