Homilies (Page 18)

A Note from the Pastor – November 5

During November, we remember and honor all those who have preceded us in death. We recall especially those who have passed away this past year. It is normal to struggle with one’s faith when in the throes of grief. Death comes with trauma and questions that we can never answer satisfactorily. Why was she taken…

A Note from the Pastor – October 29

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM I am glad to be back with you! On Monday we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints (not a holy day of obligation this year), where we recognize those many men and women who we believe have gained eternal reward and are forever in the presence of God. Today we hear…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct. 22

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM This weekend is the last of the three teaching Masses, focusing on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The weekend also ends the seven week Eucharistic Initiative. Thank you to all who helped make this initiative run smoothly. There is a two-page guide explaining the full Mass attached below. In this weekend’s…

A Note From the Pastor – Oct. 15

Pray for the new synod, where the pope will consult Catholics around the world about how the Church listens to their concerns, and how they would like its leadership to respond to them. The process culminates in 2023 with an assembly of all of the bishops at the Vatican, who will consider the findings from…

A Message from the Pastor – Oct. 8

Starting this Sunday, and for the following two Sundays, the parish will present a step-by-step explanation of the meaning of the ritual actions of the Mass. It’s the second phase of the Eucharist Renewal Initiative that began in September in all of the diocese’s parishes to re-introduce the gifts we receive when we attend Mass,…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct. 1

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM The Holy Spirit draws us each Sunday to this holy place. We gather together as the body of Christ to celebrate the Eucharist. We pray that we may be made worthy of the call we received in baptism to witness to God’s saving power in what we say and what we…

September 26 Homily – Fr. Peter Escalante

“Should I go to Mass this weekend?” Many faithful wrestle with this question, amid the latest news on the coronavirus. But perhaps answering the question, “Why should I go to Mass?” and understanding the blessings of encountering the real presence of Christ will offer the compelling reason to attend Mass in person. To help promote…

A Note from the Pastor – Sept. 24

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM This past September 22nd, I celebrated 43 years of priesthood. The gift of priesthood received as a sharing in the Holy Priesthood of our Lord led me to assume an extraordinary variety of ministries within the CJM: always in the perspective either being directly involved in missionary work or being at…

September 19 Homily – Fr. Peter McGuine

“Should I go to Mass this weekend?” Many faithful wrestle with this question, amid the latest news on the coronavirus. But perhaps answering the question, “Why should I go to Mass?” and understanding the blessings of encountering the real presence of Christ will offer the compelling reason to attend Mass in person. To help promote…

Sept. 17 Message

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM This weekend’s readings can be quite unpleasant. Envious instigators plot revenge against a righteous soul. James explains that greed and envy are at the root of conflict. Jesus again warns his disciples that soon he will be handed over to men intent on killing him. But there is a loving Christian…