Homilies (Page 17)

A Note from the Pastor – April 1

As we approach the holiest time of the year, we are afforded the opportunity to realize how transformative God is. Again and again, God has transformed the world and the human race, never as much as when raising Jesus from the dead. But God also transforms us individually—in baptism, when we are given a new…

A Note from the Pastor – March 11

Today on our journey through this penitential season we are reminded of the promise the Lord makes to us. God asked Abraham to look up to the heavens and witness the uncountable stars in the sky. Peter, John, and James looked up to the heavens and saw Jesus transfigured to shine like the sun. As…

A Note from the Pastor – March 4

We undergo numerous trials in our lives. A loved one is rolled into surgery, we are laid off from work, a friend invites us to participate in something we know is unethical. All difficult situations, all occasions we feel we cannot face alone. We hope to turn to God, trusting that the Lord will accompany…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 25

Jesus the Teacher presents lessons as insightful today as they were when he taught his disciples two thousand years ago. In a few days we will be beginning the season of Lent, when we will be reminded of the lessons Jesus taught us as he anticipated his eventual death. But today we hear Jesus in…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 4

Today, Isaiah reveals his calling in the first reading, describing a magnificent scene with the Lord surrounded by angels. Because he feels unworthy, one of the angels touches his lips with an ember, purging his sin. When Saul and Simon are called by the Lord they too immediately become aware of their sinfulness. Here in…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan. 28

This weekend opening lines of both the first reading and the Gospel are heartwarming and inspiring, but both readings soon turn difficult and serious. Living faithfully to the gospel can be like this. We may leave here enthused and inspired, only to encounter conflict or adversity at home, in our neighborhood, or in the world.…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan. 14

Brothers and sisters, let us notice how this Sunday continues to echo the Epiphany with its images of the revelation of Jesus’ identity, the ingathering of the nations, the summoning of disciples. We need cheer during these dark days. A traditional way to gladden the heart is with flowers. Tuesday marks the beginning of the…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan. 7

When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove and a voice from the heavens rang out, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” No such dove was seen or voice heard when we were baptized, yet the Holy Spirit did descend upon us in baptism and…

A Note from the Pastor – Dec. 31

Aware of the significance of the blessed star and drawn by its distinctive light, the magi traveled from distant lands to reach Bethlehem. They are the first people outside the immediate area to come and greet the newborn king. This weekend we gather thousands of miles from Bethlehem, and over two thousand years from the…

A Note from the Pastor – Dec. 17

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM We draw close to the end of this season of expectation, this season of preparation, this season of waiting. For three weeks we have been anticipating that glorious day that is now just over the horizon. Let us break from all the hustle and bustle that threaten to overwhelm the true…