Homilies 2 (Page 27)

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

How many times have we all said or thought: “I can’t get involved; what will everybody think?” “How is that going to be seen in the community?” And we would be right. The more we take Jesus seriously, the better chance we have not to be popular.  

Seek, Knock, Follow

Whenever an urgent need comes up, inevitably someone would say, “We don’t have the money or the volunteers to do that.” The answer is always the same, “Let’s just start doing it, the Lord will provide.” One does not just stay there and expect the Lord to drop it from heaven. One needs to get to work: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be open to you” (Lk 11:9).

Pickup Your Cross and Follow Me

We hear a lot about extremes these days. There are programs like “Extreme Adventures” “Extreme Sports” “Extreme make over” for people, for houses, for cars, for gardens, you name it. The example that Jesus gives us in the Gospel can also be labeled “Extreme Love.”