Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM When Jesus speaks of forgiveness at the highest level, the apostles panic, fearing they will fail, so they ask, “Lord, increase our faith.” Favor that Jesus does not grant because faith is not a “gift” that comes from outside; it’s my response to God’s gifts, with trust after his loving call. The…
Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM Healthy relationships and fellowship Jesus’ proclamation of the Father’s Kingdom doesn’t want to create division between rich and poor, husband and wife, master and servant, Jew and pagan, righteous and sinner. Jesus is not saying that the rich are automatically destined for hell, and the poor are automatically destined for eternal…
Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM Dishonest steward … a model? In this Sunday’s Gospel it is evident that Jesus does not present us with the steward as a model for his dishonesty but for his craftiness. Indeed, at the heart of the text is the Savior’s bitter observation that “the children of this world are craftier…
Thank you for your kind welcome extended to me on my first week as pastor. I am enjoying meeting all of you. You will come to know me as one who enjoys sharing our faith in ways that connect scriptural tradition in a historical context with our journey towards God in our daily life. Please…
Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM God in his mysterious ways has united me to this beautiful and joyful Parish Community of St. James-St. Leo in Solana Beach. Since the time I was the director of the Newman Center at San Diego State University during the early 2000’s, I used to visit St. James some weekends to…
Last Sunday, I began my homily around two points: the reality of gratitude and the sense of mission. A deep spiritual and psychological emotion and faith consolation is filling my heart when I look back at my short years of pastorship at St. James-St. Leo parish. For five years you have welcomed me despite my…
It is no accident that the words “disciple” and “discipline” come from the same root: Latin disciplina, meaning “teaching.” As disciples of the Lord, we are taught through discipline. We need that discipline when we are tempted to compromise our ethics or ignore our conscience and do something we shouldn’t or fail to do something…
We like to think of Jesus bringing peace and joy, healing and inspiration as he traveled from village to village with his disciples. But at this point in Luke’s Gospel he is making his way to Jerusalem, where he knows what he will face, and his message has become sobering. The road to redemption is…
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,When St. Pope John XXIII initiated the process of Vatican II, he proposed the process ofdiscernment known as SEE, JUDGE and ACT. It seems that St. Pope John XXIII might havelearned this way of discernment through today’s three parables: The Wedding Banquet and the Servant (vv. 35-38) The Arrival of…
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Today’s parable is entitled “The Parable of the Rich Fool.” The parable was an answer to thisperson who wanted Jesus to tell his brother to give his share from their ancestral inheritance. Inthe meantime, let’s set aside the title of the parable and quickly go over the parable itself.…