Homilies (Page 7)

A Note from the Pastor – Feb 16

The Spirit pressed Jesus into the desert, and he remained there for forty days, tempted by Satan. The temptation? A choice between two loves. Temptation asks you to select the compass, the north star for your heart. If you don’t desire, you don’t live, at least not with a whole heart. God speaks to you…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb 9

In comes a leper, a desperate man who has lost everything: home, employment, friends, hugs, dignity, and it seems even God. This man is decaying while alive; for society, he is a sinner, rejected by God and chastised with leprosy. He approaches Jesus but knows that he mustn’t; he can’t; the law imposes absolute isolation…

Feb 4 Homily

Today’s homily is entitled, “How to be real” with God. Our Old Testament reading is from Job, a 42-chapter book about suffering and how it tests ourfriendships and beliefs. It is considered the finest expression of Hebrew poetic genius in thebible. Job is a man that has everything, a wife and ten children, an abundance…

A Note from the Pastor – January 26

Jesus had a way with heaven. People were amazed at his teaching because he was “a voice that blossoms;” while listening, we became disarmed. And the reason: because he taught with authority. Jesus is authoritative because he is credible; in him, message and messenger coincide—he says what he is, and he is what he says.…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 19

The Gospel contrasts silence and proclamation: John the Baptist’s voice has been shushed in prison, but Jesus shakes Capernaum’s streets and seashore with a phrase reminiscing our Ash Wednesday: the Kingdom of God is here. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Jesus will never theorize the Kingdom; he makes it palpable and blossoming from his…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 12

At noon on a hot day, the mood is calm and serene among three characters: a sharp-eyed John the Baptist and two inquisitive disciples who long for the next step after John, the greatest prophet of the age, indicated God was not far but among us. Suddenly, the prophet’s shout pierced nature’s murmurs: Behold the…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 5

Epiphany highlights wise men who sought God, leaving comfort to follow a resounding prophet’s voice, revealing words like Isaiah’s “Rise, your light has come,” so they go after the source of real life. Rise, lift your eyes, and take a moment to gaze upwards and around you. Look for a narrow opening, a corner of…

A Note from the Pastor – Dec 29

A young couple embarks on a sacred journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem; they have prepared a small offering from their scarce resources: Two turtle doves will be presented in honor of their firstborn, the most precious treasure in the world. Upon arrival at the Lord’s house and crossing the threshold, the Lord meets…

Homily – Christmas Vigil

Merry Christmas! On this vigil of the birth of our Lord, we take time to appreciate St.Joseph and his role as the stepfather of Jesus. We look at how a carpenter’s lifebecomes extraordinary as he accepts God’s will and becomes the father of the King ofthe Universe. Joseph is a man of faith. Today’s gospel…

Homily – Sunday, Dec. 24

The title of my homily is, “The Lord be with you,” We say some form of this phrase at thebeginning, middle, and end of every mass. I just said it again before I read the gospel. Today’s4th Sunday of Advent readings focus on this very phrase. In the Old Testament we see God theFather using…