Homilies (Page 22)

Fr. Gerard’s Corner Aug. 9

Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.— Psalm 85:12 Peter’s courage led him not only to be the only disciple who spoke to the ghost who could be Jesus, but also to dare to walk on water as he did during a violent storm. But when he realized…

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Wonderful liturgy and prayers today in this solemnity! They have to be said joining our hands with the victims of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  just 75 years ago. FR. GERARD Litany for Hiroshima and Nagasaki Adapted from a prayer by Susan Mark Landis As we gather together this morning, we remember over…

A Note from the Pastor

A huge thank you to the crew who are doing a such a great job organizing our open-air blacktop Masses at St. James, and the outdoor Mass at St. Leo. If there are any volunteers who are willing to help setup or take-down for Mass, please notify any staff member at Mass.  Thousands of people,…

Note from the Pastor

During this coming week we can meditate and go on a journey with St. James, by choosing to read the following New Testament passages. In particular, Jesus gave James the Greater, John, and Peter the privilege of witnessing three key moments in His ministry: The raising of Jairus’ recently deceased daughter (Mark 5:35-43); The transfiguration…

A Note from the Pastor

Each week we are welcomed by our fellow sojourners as we gather together to celebrate the Eucharist, following the safety guidelines of the diocese and of the county. In our readings this weekend, we hear of a woman and her husband who offer hospitality to the prophet Elisha whenever he comes to their city, going…

A Text to Pray About…

I bought the document approved by the USCCB at their General Assembly in 2018.  It is a document from the ordinary magisterium particularly relevant in our nation present unrest. Not too long to be meditated… In Jesus and Mary,­­­­­­Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM

June: Month of the Sacred Heart

At a time when our country is struggling with this epidemic and suffering from unrest and racism, I invite you to re-discover the Catholic Church devotions.  As Eudists we are the sons of the Sacred Heart.  I hope next year you will be able to draw more from Saint John Eudes!

6th Sunday of Easter

In 1966 the band Buffalo Springfield wrote a protest song called For WhatIt’s Worth. Accompanying an iconic guitar riff, Stephen Stills delivers thisclassic opening line: “There’s something happening here, what it is ain’texactly clear…” So full confession, any time I read the 14th chapter ofJohn’s gospel, these lyrics run through my mind! Jesus seems to…

We are an Easter people

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM We are an Easter people so we are a joyful people. While our lives are regulated by the coronavirus epidemic, we still believe that Jesus has conquered death, broken open our tombs of sin and despair, and redeemed us in our humanity. Animated by the Holy Spirit,…