
A Note from the Pastor – Feb 28

Jesus uses unexpected comparisons to illuminate personal, dark habits and highlight our need for light. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye? Notice the precision of the verb: why do you “look” and not simply “see”; why do you observe, fix your gaze on straws and trifles, scrutinize the shadow instead…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb. 21

Jesus has just launched the “blessed are you” revolution into the lives of every human. Now, he unravels the first “how-to” instruction through an imperative: Love your enemies. You will do so at once, without waiting, not in response but in anticipation, not because that is how things are, but because you are the difference.…

Feb 16 Homily

In today’s gospel Jesus shares The Beatitudes, a teaching that forms the foundation of Christian living. Our Catechism contains a section called, “Our Vocation to Beatitude,” and helps us navigate to the desire for happiness.  It says, “This desire is of divine origin:  God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb 14

Every time I approach the Gospel of the Beatitudes, I fear spoiling it with my words. I know I have not yet fully understood it; it surprises and escapes me. “The Sermon of the Mount” subtly challenges you and, by its power, unsettles you. I contemplate it like a painting, rekindling my longing for a…

A Note from the Pastor – Feb 7

This is how Jesus’ story with his disciples started: Fatigued fishermen, empty nets, and boats with no catch were pulled ashore; indeed, frustrating moments don’t feel conducive for Godly revelations. We expect to meet God over the pinnacle of the temple but not from the pulpit of a boat in Capernaum. He was not in…

Homily – Jan 26

Before the newness of the New Year wears off, I want to focus on new ways to renew ourspiritual lives. I’ll be unpacking today’s readings and look at how we as individuals and as acommunity can grow closer to God and get his help to liberate us from sin. Last year I asked my son…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 24

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,” proclaimed Jesus; then, like in suspense movies: “all eyes were fixed on him.” The voice of Isaiah resounded vividly: words so ancient and so beloved, so prayed for and so longed for, so near and so far. The voice of Jesus gave it flesh, and scripture came…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 17

Something has gone unnoticed at a seemingly big wedding: it has only started, and the wine comes up short. This is a rather unusual scene at a feast in Cana of Galilee: the groom is entirely unaware that the wine has run out at his celebration, the bride is not even mentioned by name, and…

A Note from the Pastor – Jan 10

The quiet Jordan River is shaken during Jesus’ baptism, releasing heavenly blessings on every human who longs for our creator’s embrace. The heavens opened, and a voice resounded, “You are my Son, the beloved: you are the source of my joy.” Delightful words to hear! The voice speaks three things about Jesus and each of…

Homily – January 5, Epiphany

Happy New Year!  Today we celebrate, “The Epiphany of the Lord.”  “Epiphany,” comes from the word, “Reveal.”  God reveals Himself to us, especially the Gentile people, who mostly of us are descended from, through his Son, Jesus Christ.  During this feast, we remember the Magi, the wise men, known for “Looking up,” focused on the…