A Note from the Pastor – March 4

We undergo numerous trials in our lives. A loved one is rolled into surgery, we are laid off from work, a friend invites us to participate in something we know is unethical. All difficult situations, all occasions we feel we cannot face alone. We hope to turn to God, trusting that the Lord will accompany us during our moment of need. Our faith in God enables us to face these times of stress, to look to the Lord for strength to handle trauma, resist temptation, and hope in eternal life. Joined with family, friends, and neighbors, let us turn to the Lord with confidence and trust. Let us not forget our brothers and sisters under siege whose country is being destroyed. Let us come together as a parish this coming week for our Lenten Mission with Fr. Rusty Shaughnessy, OFM. We welcome Fr. Rusty as our guest presider at all Masses this weekend, and for three evenings next week. He is also available for appointments M-W (call the office). See below for details.

On Sunday, the diocese is celebrating the Rite of Election of catechumens who will be baptized at Easter and the Call to Continuing Conversion of baptized adults, who will complete their initiation at Easter. Therefore we are celebrating the Rite of Sending at the 5pm Mass on Saturday. Please pray for all our catechumens and candidates as they journey toward Easter.