Today on our journey through this penitential season we are reminded of the promise the Lord makes to us. God asked Abraham to look up to the heavens and witness the uncountable stars in the sky. Peter, John, and James looked up to the heavens and saw Jesus transfigured to shine like the sun. As we fast, pray, and give alms this Lent, let us pause to look up to the heavens and consider the incredible vastness of the transformation of us and our world that God set in motion.
On Saturday, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph. At home you can have a special Blessing for St. Joseph’s Table . This custom, which originated in southern Italy, underscores the major themes of the Lent. Although the meal is generous, it is designed to feed those who are most in need. It is a time to set the table for the poor and the hungry, the stranger and the needy, remembering the times in which St. Joseph cared for Jesus and Mary through long travels in strange places. At St James-St-Leo, we care for the poor! This weekend we will have a special collection for Ukraine. I invite you to have your Rice Bowl on your Lent table or altar.
I want to thank all you who participated in our Parish Mission with Fr. Rusty. Your contentment manifested itself through the nice collection that will be sent to him and his order.
The Divine Liturgy at the Catholic Ukrainian parish in San Diego takes place at 10:30 AM every Sunday. Take one minute to pray the Our Father in Ukrainian here: