Homilies (Page 25)

“Dirty Windshields”

Sunday, Oct. 27th, Homily As many of you know, especially if you donated cookies a couple of weeks ago, I was in the prison last weekend for the semi-annual Kairos retreat. We reached over a hundred men across the prison during the 4 days, and every single one of them was deeply affected. MORE

A Note from the Pastor

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM Here in the lazy, hazy days of summer, it is tempting to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. With summer’s heat upon us, who can blame us for congratulating ourselves for the work we have done and taking a well-deserved break? But the way the world defines…

Trinity Sunday

I feel like I haven’t been up here at the ambo for quite some time. It’s actually true. I’ve been out of town for much of May, and it’s great to be back. One of the real highlights of traveling, especially to other countries, is to witness the way ordinary people live “over there”. more

Easter Sunday

For an Easter Sunday gospel, this reading leaves a lot to be desired. There isn’t a lot of evidence here that Jesus has been raised. We have an empty tomb, puzzled women, some very odd words from two men in white garments, and skeptical apostles.

A Call to the 50 Percent

2nd Sunday of Lent – Transfiguration Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray. This wonderfully ambiguous sentence launches us into a very profound event in Jesus’ ministry, an event that is more about the disciples then Jesus, and more about us than we realize. So, the first question is – who is doing…