A Note from the Pastor

Each week we are welcomed by our fellow sojourners as we gather together to celebrate the Eucharist, following the safety guidelines of the diocese and of the county. In our readings this weekend, we hear of a woman and her husband who offer hospitality to the prophet Elisha whenever he comes to their city, going so far as furnishing him with a place to stay. Let us furnish a place in our hearts for our fellow parishioners who really suffer from our common situation, and for those who are seriously ill, for our Lord to stay so that we may gain strength and nourishment on our journey to the kingdom.

I invite you to have a look at the bulletin and our webpage for the monthly Mass intentions.

We are beginning Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays at the Parish Hall from after the 9am Mass until noon. Anyone is welcome to come without signing up, but we have a signup just to be sure someone is always there, and that there is someone to repose.

Please sign up for adoration so that we know there will always be someone present HERE!