Homilies (Page 11)

A Note from the Pastor – June 16

Jesus asserts, “The harvest is abundant.” When we look at our world, it might seem that the fields of society are arid and the times bleak. In the opinion of many, much has to happen until the harvest, with tremendous efforts to mix seed and sweat, and still return empty-handed like Peter on the lake.…

A Note from the Pastor – June 9

“Remember the journey,” whispers the First Reading. Remember! For forgetfulness is the root of empty hearts. Remember the desert and the mountain, the wind of the trails, how our life journey has had so many hiccups, and then the strength that came down suddenly when you no longer expected it, just like manna in the…

A Note from the Pastor – June 2

The words we use to explain the Trinity have become so convoluted that we dread to explain it and trip over our tongue twisters. Jesus chooses to use words about the Trinity that are household names and titles of affection: “Father and Son” are names that embrace and support each other. Spirit is a name…

A Note from the Pastor – May 26

Pentecost was better known in Jewish times as Shavuot; on this feast, which occurred 50 days after Passover (coming out of Egypt), the people of Israel received the law in Sinai. Move the camera to the upper room in Jerusalem around one thousand years later: 50 days after Jesus was crucified on Passover, but now…

A Note from the Pastor – May 19

The disciples have a date with Jesus at a familiar mountain after his crucifixion and glorious resurrection. Even though they feel undeserving of his invitation, they cannot afford to miss this meeting. They know he will provide what is needed to fulfill his purpose if he calls them. So it’s not a farewell but a…

A Note from the Pastor – May 12

Why does our Sunday gospel have a conditional: “If you love me.”  Love in this passage refers to the word Agape (ἀγάπη): a sacrificial love at the highest level that unites and heals; It is selfless. It is the highest, most pure form of love as a choice, not out of attraction or obligation. The “If” is…

A Note from the Pastor – May 5

“Do not be afraid, don’t let your hearts be troubled” are the opening words of the Gospel, the primary words of our relationship with God and life, the ones that should come to us as soon as we open our eyes every morning. Jesus sets the tone by which the disciples must embrace his upcoming…

A Note from the Pastor – April 28

This fourth Sunday of Easter describes the encounter between Pharisees and Jesus, who doesn’t hesitate to lay out his mission plan for those who follow him: “I came that they might have life.” That’s one of the brightest phrases in the Gospel, where I rest my faith, regenerating me every time I hear it: “I…

A Note from the Pastor – April 21

Jesus makes an unscheduled visit to a small town three hours away from Jerusalem. Two disciples somberly walk back to Emmaus; they had big expectations, and events did not go as planned; now, they are questioning their faith. Jesus drew near and walked with them. As a God who finds time to meet me on…

April 16 Homily

Happy Easter!!  Easter’s not just a one-day affair, the resurrection is so essential that we celebrate for 50 days! This gives us time to reflect on our Lenten experience and incorporate new insights, just like the Early Church reflects on how they will follow the gospel of Jesus after he is resurrected.  I work in…