Parish News (Page 16)

Father’s Day Novena

Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards Cards are available at the vestibule in the Church and at the Parish Office. Please return the outside envelope (with the names of your loved ones, living and deceased, to be remembered in our Father’s Day Novena) in the collection basket or to the Parish Office by Monday, June 6.…

Welcome Fr. Azam!

Welcome to Fr. Azam Vianney Mancha, CJM!  Fr. Azam is a Eudist priest who will be in residence at St. James-St. Leo for the time being. He was born in Pakistan and studied theology in Pakistan and the Philippines. Ordained last year, he has a Licentiate in Theology, specializing in Mariology. Recently he was a Director…

Friday Fish Feasts

Celebrating 20 Years of Feasting FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 18 & 25, APRIL 1 & 8Adults $18 per personChildren’s menu – Children under 12 complimentary 6pm Doors Open 6:30pm Appetizers 7pm Dinner is Served! Credit Card Reservation on line : Reservations: Contact Virginia @ the church office: 858 755-2545 ext *100 Menu link: Doors…