Homily – May 19, 2024

As students complete another school year, we celebrate Pentecost, a time to reflect on the Holy Spirit, a kind of graduation gift given by Jesus to his disciples and to all of us.  The disciples have travelled with Jesus many, many miles and have overcome countless obstacles, healed the sick, and spread the gospel.  They accomplished all this with the help of their teacher, their Rabi Jesus and his constant guidance.  Now Jesus is returning to the Father, but before he goes, He gives the gift of the Holy Spirit.  This gift is like a BACKPACK with essential items required to continue the Christ’s mission.  As our psalm says, “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.”  Today we explore what’s inside the spiritual backpack and how it applies to OUR journey to continue the mission.

Imagine the backpack has the words “Holy Spirit” embroidered on the outside, but what does it mean?  The word “spirit” comes from the Latin word “spiritus” or “breath.”  Just as each breath gives us life-giving oxygen, the Holy Spirit is essential to our spiritual life, leading us to an eternal life with our Father in Heaven.