February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, is set aside in our Church as a special day to pray for men and women in consecrated life. Saint Pope John Paul II instituted the World Day for Consecrated Life more than 20 years ago.

The choice of the day is intentional: “This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.” (USCCB)

Thank you for reflecting the light of Christ!

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Articles shared by Fr. Gerard:

Burkina Faso: The unshakeable faith of women religious in the face of terror

“We take in refugees every day, especially wives whose husbands have been murdered— because the terrorists mainly kill the men—but also children and elderly people.” read more


Today’s Liturgy shows Jesus who goes out to meet his people.  It is the feast day of encounter: the newness of the Child encounters the tradition of the temple; the promise finds fulfillment; young Mary and Joseph encounter the elderly Simeon and Anna.  Everything, therefore, meets as Jesus arrives. Read homily.