A Note from the Pastor – Jan. 14

Brothers and sisters, let us notice how this Sunday continues to echo the Epiphany with its images of the revelation of Jesus’ identity, the ingathering of the nations, the summoning of disciples. We need cheer during these dark days. A traditional way to gladden the heart is with flowers.

Tuesday marks the beginning of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, in a time when the sad divisions that separate the Christian churches seem even stronger. I am still looking for a volunteer interested to work with us to plan an ecumenical event. Why not prepare an ecumenical evening prayer, inviting a neighbor minister to preside and/or preach?

Saturday is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion. Program materials are available from the Office for Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Visit their website. The bishops of the United States have declared January 22 a day of prayer. The diocesan annual Walk for Life is tomorrow, with details later in this email.

Parish offices are closed Monday for the holiday.