This fourth Sunday of Easter describes the encounter between Pharisees and Jesus, who doesn’t hesitate to lay out his mission plan for those who follow him: “I came that they might have life.”
That’s one of the brightest phrases in the Gospel, where I rest my faith, regenerating me every time I hear it: “I came that they might have life;” he came for my full, abundant, joyful life.
The time of human sacrifices wrongly envisioned an angry god that needed to be pleased. But, unfortunately, that god sounds too much like our addictions and fears, taking our life and joy, not giving anything in return.
A heartbeat confirms earthly life, but life offered by Jesus will become evident by the creator’s spark dwelling within you; it’s about that exuberant, excessive life, which breaks the banks and cascades, overflowing with freedom and courage. The word “life” binds all Scripture together; the Psalms confidently plead: “Let me live! Make me walk on the paths of life!”
Jesus opens the way as he walks in front of us; he doesn’t push from behind, waving a stick, but leads confidently ahead of us, opening the way, calling us by our name, and giving us the fullness of life.
He trusts the grace and the effects of his love bestowed on you. They will create inner freedom; you will feel an ever-growing internal strength to cross even the darkest valleys. “I fear no evil; for you are at my side.”