John, the beloved disciple, the fine theologian, “the son of thunder,” a man with so much Godly potential, still reacts like a child of a small heart when bitten by jealousy. Master, an outsider works miracles in your name but is not enrolled in our group. He is improving people’s lives but is perhaps inexperienced…
Today I want to focus on a key word from today’s gospel and shed some light on its translation. Jesus, embraces a child and says, “Whoever RECEIVES one child such as this in MY name RECEIVES ME…” THIS biblical translation uses the word “receives,” a word that is pivotal to the core message of…
Jesus’ unexpected announcement of his impending death shocked the disciples, grappling with why and what would happen to them afterward. The disciples quietly contemplate candidates for the position. Jesus demonstrates masterful handling of relationships by not rebuking, judging, or accusing but instead presenting a strategy for educating. Jesus reveals his infallible method: ‘The first shall…
After blessing Israel with numerous miracles while facing opposition from the leaders, Jesus wanted to hear the opinions and perceptions of the crowds. He turned to his disciples, who walked with him, to voice what they heard on the margins. Who do people say I am? This poll determines whether people’s hearts can perceive God’s…
They brought a deaf-mute to Jesus. He was a prisoner of silence, living without words, lullabies, or music, but he had a circle of friends who cared for him and looked for things that made him better; they led him to Jesus. Healing begins when someone puts his hand to the very human art of…
After 20 years at St. James, I’ve developed a keen sense for how we are known as a parish. I believe we have a warm and welcoming community and that we are very active in our outreach ministries. We also have a unique church architecture that requires study to fully understand. The scallop shell is…
Jesus was stunned when a group of Pharisees from Jerusalem approached him, questioning why his disciples were not following the purification rituals before eating. Jesus clarified that the problem was not the disciples’ dirty hands but the Pharisees’ ill-oriented hearts. Jesus, instead of being discouraged, becomes an echo of the ancient cry of the prophets:…
John sets the stage for an account of a dramatic crisis. After the lengthy discussion in the synagogue at Capernaum about his flesh as food, some followers abruptly realized they would no longer walk with Jesus. Their instinct is clear: this word is problematic. Who can tolerate it? Some of the Savior’s invitations are challenging…
In this concise Gospel of only eight verses, Jesus repeats his message eight times: He who eats my flesh will live forever. This repetition creates a responsory cadence, a divine back-and-forth wave, in the style of John advancing in concentric ascending circles. It’s like throwing a pebble into the water and watching the circles grow…
“I am the bread that descended out of heaven.” In a single sentence, Jesus gathers and interweaves three images: bread, heaven, and reaching humanity. A journey of nourishment from heaven, but what kind of bread is baked in heaven? I am bread, Jesus points out, not in the way that a handful of flour and…