Homilies 2 (Page 21)

Final Sunday of Advent

On this final Sunday of Advent, we are reminded of two of God’s favorite people and pillars of our faith, King David and the Blessed Mother.  As we prepare for the light of the world to come on Christmas day, let’s take a look at how God lights the way in their lives.     In…

General Absolution: A Message from our Pastor

Be Prepared! In this time of pandemic, our bishop has granted the possibility of general absolution during Mass at Advent, since there will be no communal penance services. Our preparation for Christmas can and should be also a spiritual preparation. I invite our believers to get prepared for General Absolution by meditating on the wonderful text of…

The Advent season begins this weekend!

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM Take time to reflect on how you will use the next four weeks to prepare your heart for Christmas. This weekend we begin the season of Advent, which marks the start of a new liturgical year for the Church. The readings for Sunday Mass are arranged…

How are we using what has been entrusted to us?

Today Jesus tells the parable of the talents. Two of the servants use them to make more; the third buries his in the ground. As we celebrate the Eucharist today, let us consider how we use our God-given talents and how we could use them more beneficially.  I invite you to listen again to Dcn.…

Sainthood would seem to be a very exclusive club

Fr. Gerard’s Corner Sainthood would seem to be a very exclusive club, like the Hall of Fame or a group of Lifetime Achievement winners, but the communion of saints is actually much larger than just the saints formally recognized by the Catholic Church. John’s vision in Revelation of an uncountable multitude gives a good picture…

Fr. Gerard’s Corner

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” goes the well-known saying. The Jewish people would certainly agree in the case of Cyrus the Great. When the Babylonians conquered Judah, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple and drove the Jewish people into exile. When the Persian army defeated the Babylonian army in 539 BC, Cyrus was seen…

Fr. Gerard’s Corner

For many reasons, it’s hard to eat just the right amount. Millions of people do not get enough food to satisfy their hunger or provide enough nutrition to adequately sustain their health. On the other hand, many who have plenty find it difficult to get up from the table until they have overeaten. They then…

Fr. Gerard’s Corner

October 4, 2020 In the first parable we hear today, from Isaiah, we hear a condensed history of the Chosen People. Like Eden, this vineyard is tended lovingly by God (“my friend”), its choicest vines fertile, full of life. But like Eden, what it yielded was from outside the goodness of creation. God’s wrath flares…

Fr. Gerard’s Corner

“You duped me, O LORD,” Jeremiah, the reluctant prophet, exclaims at the beginning of today’s first reading (Jeremiah 20:7). The Hebrew verb pathah (“duped”) can also be translated as “enticed” or “seduced,” emphasizing the powerlessness of the prophet in accepting that role. Jeremiah is left in a horrible position, unable to keep it in, but…

Weekly Message

In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples what people are saying about his identity. The disciples indicate that most people believe that Jesus is a prophet of Israel. Then Jesus asks his disciples who they believe that he is. Simon Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. The use of the…