Sermons by Fr. Ricardo (Page 2)

A Note from the Pastor – Nov 29

We start Advent with a heavenly command: we ought to read the heavens, and as a follow-up, we should read the aches and pains of our souls and hearts. Scary signs unrelated to the world’s end will appear in the sun, moon, and stars. They display your values, idols, health, and expectations when they fail.…

A Note from the Pastor – Nov 22

Pilate, the man wielding the most power in Jerusalem, stands face to face with an unarmed young rabbi. Unbeknownst to Pilate, this conversation transcends pride or power struggle; it will echo in heaven’s highest realms and the darkest corners of death. It is about the fate of creation itself. Are you the king of the…

A Note from the Pastor – Nov 15

“On those days, the sun will go dark, the moon will go out, and the stars will fall from the sky.” The text aims not to scare but calls for an in-depth evaluation of what we value that is not life-giving, seeking a more profound spiritual life that allows our false securities to fade while we flourish.…

A Note from the Pastor – Nov 8

An unnamed, lonely, widowed, poor woman is the last character Jesus encounters in Mark’s gospel, the humblest teacher. Jesus has always shown a particular fondness for single women. They belong to the biblical triad of the defenseless: widows, orphans, and strangers. God always intervenes and stands up for them: “They are mine!” They teach without…

A Note from the Pastor – Nov 1

A Scribe asked: Which is the greatest commandment? How can I simplify God’s wishes? Jesus answered with quick heavenly wisdom using a word not among the commandments. Jesus, with a non-conformist intelligence, is the most limpid icon of freedom and imagination. The answer begins with a verb: you shall love! In future tense, indicating an…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct 25

In previous weeks, we heard Gospels about division, money worship, and people thirsting for power. Everyone held on to something like life rafts while their lives were sinking in greed. On this occasion, Jesus passes by Jericho on his way to Jerusalem. He needs to rush before dusk falls. As he tries to leave Jericho…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct 18

Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, followed by the twelve. In the Lord’s mind, it’s crystal clear that the leaders who harassed him during his public Galilee ministry will now try to entrap him during his obligated pilgrimage for the feast of Passover. The disciples, still like spiritual infants, have no idea; instead, they…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct 11

Jesus is out on the road, his favorite place to see God at work when anyone crosses his path or waits for him at the route’s turn. Jesus is a master who teaches the art of encounter. Behold, an unidentified person rushing to meet him as if hurrying to catch a breath. “Good Master,” he…

A Note from the Pastor – Oct. 4

During their journey to the promised land, the people in the wilderness complained about the food, weather, their companions, spouses, and even Moses. In his wisdom, Moses composed rules to set community boundaries, achieve peace, and avoid conflict by allowing males to reject their partners. Twelve hundred years later, the Pharisees sought Jesus’ interpretation of…

A Note from the Pastor – Sept 27

John, the beloved disciple, the fine theologian, “the son of thunder,” a man with so much Godly potential, still reacts like a child of a small heart when bitten by jealousy. Master, an outsider works miracles in your name but is not enrolled in our group. He is improving people’s lives but is perhaps inexperienced…