Although we cannot be together in person at Mass on Sundays, we can still gather together spiritually, in community, in our homes. Many may already have a sacred space set aside in their home as a visual reminder of the presence of God. They go by many names, such as home altar, prayer table, sacred space, or feast table. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be a table. A shelf, or a nook, or even an outdoor space can work. Make your space fit your existing space, and make it as elaborate or as simple as you wish.

The important thing is that it is personal to you and your family, and that it be a visual reminder of our faith within your domestic church.
There are wonderful resources online for ideas, but be sure to search with the word “Catholic.” Catholic bloggers (such as link) and Pinterest are two such resources. Some elements to consider:
- Bible: Your family Bible is an important and essential element to be kept within your sacred space. Other religious books can be kept nearby as well.
- Crucifix: A crucifix is an essential reminder of the sufferings of our Lord, in anticipation of his Resurrection.
- Mary and the Saints: Consider images or statuettes of Mary and particular saints that are meaningful for your family. Your family might choose a patron saint.
- Rosary and prayer cards: Keep the rosary that you use in your sacred space.
- Liturgical colors: Reflect the liturgical year by displaying the current color, such as with a tablecloth or placemat.
- God’s Creation: Any elements of the beauty of God’s creation are appropriate, such as flowers, rocks, shells, etc.
- Candles or tealights: Real (or real-looking) candles represent the presence of the Holy Spirit.
- Holy water: You could include a small font or bottle.
- Music: Pay attention to all our senses when spending time in your sacred space, and play meditative music.
Your sacred space is a physical reminder of our faith, so focus on what is important to you. Change things up often, especially with the seasons. You could add a resurrection set for Easter, palms from Palm Sunday, or doves at Pentecost. Involve your children or grandchildren to add items or crafts that they make.
Send us photos of your sacred spaces; we would love to see them! (Send to )