Homilies (Page 5)

A Note from the Pastor – July 5

Our Sunday gospel notes Jesus’ neighbors’ reaction after they heard him preach: “But isn’t he the carpenter, the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon?” A few pages earlier, the group of relatives mentioned by the neighbors went down to Capernaum to bring home “the eccentric cousin” because they said he’d gone mad. And now…

A Note from the Pastor – June 28

Jesus walks to a house where a 12-year-old girl has died; he walks beside her father’s grief. On the way, a woman who has suffered much but is so tenacious that she doesn’t give up approaches Jesus and daringly reaches out and touches his cloak as her healing tool. The impure woman condemned not to…

A Note from the Pastor – June 14

The scriptures are familiar to those present before Jesus, but they need someone to reveal the Godly nuances stitched through them, which Jesus unveils with his words. In the same style as Psalm 27, the writer, inspired by deep yearning, says, “We long to see your face, oh God,” while Jesus reveals the heart of…

Homily – June 9

Over the past several weeks, we have experienced the high points of the Liturgical Calendar.  We’ve walked with Jesus through His Passion and death, Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.  We’ve received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and celebrated the birthday of the Church at the feast of Corpus Cristi.  In all of…

A Note from the Pastor – June 7

This Sunday, we witness the first sprouts of Jesus’ mission. His arrival thrilled everyone, and people, filled with curiosity and eagerness, started flocking to the house, each yearning to listen to him. Jesus started sharing God’s love with peace, healing, restoration, and compassion for those in need. News of his wonders spread like a much-needed…

A Note from the Pastor – May 31

Take, this is my body. In the Gospels, Jesus reaches out to me through his radically human actions and unveils God’s face through gestures common to all. He starts with a powerful verb: Take! Sharp and precise like a health specialist who noticed my ostensibly malnourished soul. Jesus does not ask the apostles to stop…

A Note from the Pastor – May 24

The Gospel speaks of the Trinity while sending forth the eleven as if they are now integrated into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the breath that will restore trust, joy, and faith in God’s eternal love.  The eleven went to the mountain of Galilee, even those who doubted. An ego-wounded community felt inadequate after…

Homily – May 19, 2024

As students complete another school year, we celebrate Pentecost, a time to reflect on the Holy Spirit, a kind of graduation gift given by Jesus to his disciples and to all of us.  The disciples have travelled with Jesus many, many miles and have overcome countless obstacles, healed the sick, and spread the gospel.  They…

A Note from the Pastor – May 10

This Sunday’s Gospel plays with impossibles. Jesus counts on only eleven frightened, confused men and a small core of faithful and courageous women. He didn’t give up on them. They followed him on the roads of Palestine. They did not understand much but loved him very much. Love is good soil for the Gospel, and…

Homily – Sunday, April 28

We have many tools to help us navigate our spiritual journeys.  We have books, videos, classes, bible studies, prayer groups, and finally retreats.   The retreat is unique in that it takes us away from daily life to gain a new perspective on the journey itself.  Last weekend two friends and I drove to the Jesuit…