Each week we are welcomed by our fellow sojourners as we gather together to celebrate the Eucharist, following the safety guidelines of the diocese and of the county. In our readings this weekend, we hear of a woman and her husband who offer hospitality to the prophet Elisha whenever he comes to their city, going…
I bought the document approved by the USCCB at their General Assembly in 2018. It is a document from the ordinary magisterium particularly relevant in our nation present unrest. Not too long to be meditated… In Jesus and Mary,Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM
Wherever there is sorrow, wherever there is suffering, wherever there is difficulty, the Heart of Jesus is always there first. No one is alone. I would like to share this with ALL of you! Fr. Gerard
At a time when our country is struggling with this epidemic and suffering from unrest and racism, I invite you to re-discover the Catholic Church devotions. As Eudists we are the sons of the Sacred Heart. I hope next year you will be able to draw more from Saint John Eudes!
In 1966 the band Buffalo Springfield wrote a protest song called For WhatIt’s Worth. Accompanying an iconic guitar riff, Stephen Stills delivers thisclassic opening line: “There’s something happening here, what it is ain’texactly clear…” So full confession, any time I read the 14th chapter ofJohn’s gospel, these lyrics run through my mind! Jesus seems to…
A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM We are an Easter people so we are a joyful people. While our lives are regulated by the coronavirus epidemic, we still believe that Jesus has conquered death, broken open our tombs of sin and despair, and redeemed us in our humanity. Animated by the Holy Spirit,…
In this challenging time, it is very important that we pray for each other. You will see in this newsletter how so many people are practicing their faith by reaching out and helping others. We are all less able to physically help one another, but we can all pray! Please pray for our families, our…
In time of the celebration of the second Sunday of Easter and of Divine Mercy I offer you the official song composed for the Jubilee of Mercy!
Dear Parishioners, I would like to share with you… Letter from St. John Eudes On Trust in Times of Destitution (1659) “I think constantly of you and your needs, but I cannot doubt that our most bountiful Father and our admirable Mother will show their generosity in this time of crisis. They will not abandon…
Referencing Pope Francis’ homily from his daily Mass March 20, 2020 Francis cites the Catechism to encourage the faithful to express contrition, and make resolve to return to Sacrament as soon as it becomes possible. Pope Francis took up the question that many of the faithful are wrestling with as they are under lockdown with…