Homilies (Page 21)

First Sunday of Lent

Today is the first Sunday of Lent.  We’re 3 to 4 days into Lent and some of you, like me, are still be thinking, how do I make this Lent more meaningful?  Let’s look at Noah and his voyage in the ark and see if he can help spark a new spiritual journey in us…

Feb. 19 – A Note from the Pastor

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM At St James-St Leo, we take part in a Lenten practice Operation Rice Bowl. This is a wonderful way to make connections between fasting and almsgiving. Children especially can benefit from such hands-on practices. Rather than simply being instructed to “give something up” for Lent, children can be formed into the…

Feb. 12th Note from the Pastor

We gather together, as we do each Sunday, as the body of Christ. Jesus called us to love God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This Valentine’s Day, we commit ourselves to nurturing that love for God and love for…

A Note from the Pastor

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM Today, I will present you with a few important things on our liturgical calendar. First the big day: Monday, February 8th, is the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. Each year, thousands of vulnerable men, women, and children are trafficked across our borders and then forced into slavery. Our Eudist…

Baptism of the Lord HOMILY

Maybe today’s Baptism of the Lord can kickoff a baptism of our nation and help to move us in a new direction.  I’ll start with a full disclosure, I’m a big fan of St. John the Baptist and he plays a big role in the baptism of Jesus which we celebrate today.  John’s life is…

The Baptism of the Lord

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM The Baptism of the Lord is a Christmas feast, a feast of the epiphany of God in human flesh and blood. I hope we will sing at least some carols this weekend. At our baptism we were told, “you have become a new creation and have…

Final Sunday of Advent

On this final Sunday of Advent, we are reminded of two of God’s favorite people and pillars of our faith, King David and the Blessed Mother.  As we prepare for the light of the world to come on Christmas day, let’s take a look at how God lights the way in their lives.     In…

General Absolution: A Message from our Pastor

Be Prepared! In this time of pandemic, our bishop has granted the possibility of general absolution during Mass at Advent, since there will be no communal penance services. Our preparation for Christmas can and should be also a spiritual preparation. I invite our believers to get prepared for General Absolution by meditating on the wonderful text of…

The Advent season begins this weekend!

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM Take time to reflect on how you will use the next four weeks to prepare your heart for Christmas. This weekend we begin the season of Advent, which marks the start of a new liturgical year for the Church. The readings for Sunday Mass are arranged…

How are we using what has been entrusted to us?

Today Jesus tells the parable of the talents. Two of the servants use them to make more; the third buries his in the ground. As we celebrate the Eucharist today, let us consider how we use our God-given talents and how we could use them more beneficially.  I invite you to listen again to Dcn.…