Homilies (Page 20)

A Note from the Pastor

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM After almost four years of reflection, the Pastoral Council and I came to the conclusion that we have the duty and the necessity of updating our vision and action for our ministries at the parish. Our new Director of Discipleship will help everyone to make Jesus known, loved and celebrated. The…

At Note from the Pastor

As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we sing, “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” But we do not just mark an event that happened nearly two thousand years ago. We also call upon the Lord to send the Holy Spirit now and every day to…


Today, the feast of the Ascension, is a feast in disguise. If I asked what this feast was about, I think most of you would say, “It’s about Jesus returning to his Father in heaven.” Or, “It’s about Jesus going up into the clouds and leaving Earth until he comes again.” These aren’t wrong answers,…

Ascension of the Lord

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM This weekend we celebrate a special day in the history of the Church. On the day Jesus ascended to heaven to remain with his Father, he commanded his disciples to carry on his ministry, proclaiming the good news to the whole world. Now we are that…

6th Sunday of Easter

A Note from the Pastor Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to remain in his love just as he remains in his Father’s love. Love is a bond between them that lasts forever. For many of us, the first lasting bond we formed was with our mothers. We honor them…

A Note from the Pastor and Bishop’s Letter

This weekend is the 3rd Sunday of Easter. Let us listen as Jesus speaks to us in the gospel about being apostles of the good news. Let us rejoice as we hear from the bishop about the relaxing of some of our liturgical guidelines, based on pastor discretion at each parish. We will not be…

A Note from the Pastor

Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM This weekend is the Second Sunday of Easter or Sunday of Divine Mercy. The introduction to the liturgy of the day “Lord, have mercy” that we pray at the beginning of Mass calls upon the Lord to have mercy on us in our sinfulness. We celebrate that divine mercy, the mercy that…

Easter Sunday Homily

On this most blessed day of our Church calendar, as we ponder the mystery of the Christ, the astonishing news of a tortured dead man apparently resurrected, we must face the question every Christian faces at some point in their lives. What do we believe? What do you believe? Read MORE.

4th Sunday of Lent

Welcome to the fourth Sunday of Lent, we are about 20 days into the season or roughly at halftime. This is when we go back to the locker room andconsider what’s working and what’s not and how to approach the secondhalf. Today’s readings gives us powerful spiritual fuel as they talk about how God sees…