Parish News (Page 17)

Halloween Candy Donations

Halloween candy donations will be accepted at the parish office and the school next week. The candy will be distributed by the Franciscan Sisters as part of the annual Christmas food & clothing distribution at the Casa de los Pobres in Tijuana. Toothbrushes/ toothpaste are also appreciated!

All Souls Day Novena begins Nov. 2nd

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed ( All Souls Day) Novena begins on November 2nd, All Souls Day, and continues for nine consecutive days until November 10th. Please use the envelopes provided in the church to list the names of loved ones you would like remembered (please print clearly). These Mass Intention envelopes will…

THIS WEEKEND – Second Collection for Hurricane Victims

Emergency Disaster Fund Special Collection THIS Weekend Our parish is participating in a nationwide special collection for Emergency Disaster Relief, called for by the U.S. Catholic Bishops, as a response to the recent hurricanes. Proceeds from the collection will help the Bishops’ Emergency Disaster Fund to provide support for humanitarian assistance, long-term recovery, and significant Church needs caused by recent calamities.

Your Voice Matters

Our parish is participating in the synod process that is underway in our diocese and in the Universal Church. We hosted small-group sessions where many participated in sharing joys, sorrows and hopes with the Catholic Church. Your voices and feedback were heard and affirmed! Now, Cardinal McElroy is encouraging us to participate in a survey…