Adult Confirmation If you or someone you know is an adult who has been baptized in the Catholic church but is still in need of confirmation, please contact Pamela Smith ( for more information. Adults Desiring Baptism If you or someone you know is an adult who would like to be baptized and welcomed into…
If you would like to give online for the special diocesan collection to assist the Church in Hawaii to recover from the devastation caused by the recent wildfires, you may use the link below. All proceeds will be sent through our diocese to the Diocese of Honolulu. This online fund will stay live until September…
Relief for Maui Wildfires Our parish is participating in a special diocesan collection to assist the Church in Hawaii to recover from the devastation caused by the recent fires. Proceeds from this collection, which are being taken up as a second collection this weekend, will be sent through our diocese directly to the Diocese of…
Youth Ministry is for all high school students Confirmation Preparation All Sacraments of Initiation are available at the high school level (Baptism, 1st Eucharist, Confirmation)
Calling all 1st Graders! 1st Communion preparation is a two-year program, typically beginning in 1st grade, but open to all grades. Questions? Email Pamela Smith at
Fr. Fred Agyeman will be visiting our parish for a mission appeal at all Masses on the weekend of August 5th and 6th. He is originally from the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra, Ghana, but currently serves at the Archdiocese of New York. This mission appeal aims to assist those in rural areas of Accra deprived…