A Note from the Pastor – Sept 27

John, the beloved disciple, the fine theologian, “the son of thunder,” a man with so much Godly potential, still reacts like a child of a small heart when bitten by jealousy.

Master, an outsider works miracles in your name but is not enrolled in our group. He is improving people’s lives but is perhaps inexperienced and doesn’t belong to “The Twelve.” Therefore, I tried to stop him.

Jesus patiently opens their horizons: don’t stop him. He is in line with my signs of grace and doing what my name means: Jesus – God Saves.

“It is not lawful for you to improve the world if you are not with us!”

Form before substance, group membership before good, idea before reality! In contrast, Moses, in the first reading, breaks the constraints of membership and wishes they were all prophets.

Jesus’ response, the man without boundaries, is very articulate and Moses-like: Let him do it! Don’t set limits. Our purpose is to be revealers of the Kingdom of God, which is joy, freedom, and fullness.

Whoever gives water, peace, pardon, or joy moved by Jesus is drawing from the source, his heart!

God’s grace works in mysterious ways. This fellow opened his heart to God after experiencing the grace of Jesus in person and understanding that Jesus is God’s son. Jesus’ name brings peace, solace amid trouble, and consolation through healing. Unable to solve the problems around him, he shares the name of Jesus—what a beautiful name it is.