A Note from the Pastor – Sept 13

After blessing Israel with numerous miracles while facing opposition from the leaders, Jesus wanted to hear the opinions and perceptions of the crowds. He turned to his disciples, who walked with him, to voice what they heard on the margins.

Who do people say I am? This poll determines whether people’s hearts can perceive God’s merciful image or are left only with admiration and interest in the famous teacher.

Some see him as a moralizer (“John the Baptist”), others as an idol-breaker (“Elijah”), and some just hear echoes of familiar messages (“one of the prophets”), all of them heroes of the past.

Jesus surpasses yesterday and brings light to tomorrow and eternity. He represents newness on the journey. Now he gets personal: “You who share life, laughter, and awe with me, who do you say I am?”

You are the Christ, confesses Peter, the meaning of Israel and my life.

At this point, the register changes, and the narrative becomes disorienting: Jesus reveals hardships in the mission. The Christ has to suffer greatly, be killed, and rise again on the third day.

Peter’s jaw drops, so he takes him aside, correcting and persuading Jesus to reconsider.

Jesus interprets the moment with very harsh words: get behind me, Satan; you became the whisper of evil (you think like the world).

Peter doesn’t fully fathom Jesus with his head but trusts his loving, powerful, Godly words and resolves heartily to listen to, follow, and let Christ lead him. He is the Lord!