A Note from the Pastor – March 22

Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem is a historical event and a parable in action. Jesus transpires affirming love; the preacher stirs joy wherever he goes, and this time, joy and biblical expectations finally meet.

The teacher needs this colt but will send him right back. He is so poor that he doesn’t own even a beast of burden. His humble words, like healing music, dance in people’s hearts. He is not imposed but proposes himself like a disarmed lover, and old Jerusalem needed a Godly, joyful groom.

Blessed is He who comes! Cry out the spirit-led people. It is extraordinary that they sense God is coming. God longs for loving hearts in this country, on these streets, and in my home that smells of cookies and hugs.

The religious leaders disapprove of the Godly groom due to his illuminating nature, which exposes their rusting hearts.

They must get rid of him; the crucifixion will take away his charm, but even there, he loves until his last breath.

His cross disorients me, but if I persist in standing by it like the women, staring at it like the centurion, the expert on death, I might glimpse at the light revealing that, in his last breath, Jesus jumpstarted the heart of a new world.

The Christian faith rests on the most beautiful act in the world: a perfect feat of love. He turned the world upside down; God gives life even to those who punish him with death. Love me, Lord!