A Note from the Pastor – June 28

Jesus walks to a house where a 12-year-old girl has died; he walks beside her father’s grief.

On the way, a woman who has suffered much but is so tenacious that she doesn’t give up approaches Jesus and daringly reaches out and touches his cloak as her healing tool.

The impure woman condemned not to be touched by anyone – never a caress, never a hug – decides to feel; she breaks the rule with the most tender and human gesture: a touch, implying: I am there too!

Jesus understands her gesture and addresses her with beautiful words—words for each of us, sweet therapy for living: Daughter, your faith has saved you. He revealed that she, though excluded, now is a beloved daughter and deserves life.

They came to Jairus’ house, and people were wailing and shouting loudly, but Jesus told Jairus, “You have faith.” God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

Jesus throws everyone out, takes Jairus and his wife with him, and recomposes the vital circle of affection, where love and life flourish.

He told her, “Talitha koum,” which means “Little girl, get up.” And she got up and started walking.

On each of us, whatever portion of sorrow we carry inside, whatever portion of death we bear, the Lord brings down the blessing of those ancient words: Talitha koum.

Don’t give up; let his hand lift you to ease your struggles. Renew your faith, embrace life, heal, and, especially, let love always flourish.