A Note from the Pastor – Jan 10

The quiet Jordan River is shaken during Jesus’ baptism, releasing heavenly blessings on every human who longs for our creator’s embrace. The heavens opened, and a voice resounded, “You are my Son, the beloved: you are the source of my joy.” Delightful words to hear!

The voice speaks three things about Jesus and each of us: “Son” is the first word; God is the source of creation, who, like every seed, begets according to its kind. We are all children of God in the Son, fragments of God in the world, species of His kind; we have God in our blood and breath.

“Beloved” is the second word. Before you act or have merit, your name for God is “beloved, every day with every awakening.” Unmerited love, unconditional, one-sided, asymmetrical. Love that anticipates and transcends everything.

“My delight” is the third term. Its root contains the idea of joy that God receives from his children. It was as if He were saying to each one: My child, I see you, and it brings me joy.

If every morning I could imagine this scene again: the sky opening above me like an embrace, a breath of life and warmth reaching my heart, the Father saying to me with tenderness and strength: “My child, my love, and joy.”

Those words of peace and care should permeate my day. I must internalize that my life is safe in his hands; I am treasured by the same unbreakable force that generates life.