In this coming Sunday’s Gospel the risen Lord appears to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. He had already appeared to them in the upper room in Jerusalem—twice—but they still didn’t recognize him until he led them to catch a miraculous number of fish. We too may not recognize the risen Lord in our lives, yet we know he is present—as we gather together, in the Eucharist itself, in those whom we love, in the stranger in need. Let us pray for God’s grace in recognizing the risen Lord in our midst.

We were blessed to have been part of the concert from Les petits chanteurs de Paris and their participation at our Friday school Mass! All I heard from our attendance both at the concert and at Mass was extremely uplifting. I want to thank our school and our principal Christine Lang in particular and all the parents who accepted to host our visitors. I feel deeply grateful how successful it turned out. I also thank our parish staff. The Choir plans to come back within two years!
This coming Thursday is the National Day of Prayer.
Fr. George will preside over our 1st Communion Masses, as I will be at St. Leo. Congratulations to all of our children receiving 1st Communion!