Homilies 2 (Page 23)

A Time to Pray

In this challenging time, it is very important that we pray for each other. You will see in this newsletter how so many people are practicing their faith by reaching out and helping others. We are all less able to physically help one another, but we can all pray! Please pray for our families, our…

A Message to Share with YOU

Dear Parishioners, I would like to share with you… Letter from St. John Eudes On Trust in Times of Destitution (1659) “I think constantly of you and your needs, but I cannot doubt that our most bountiful Father and our admirable Mother will show their generosity in this time of crisis. They will not abandon…

What about Confession?

Referencing Pope Francis’ homily from his daily Mass March 20, 2020 Francis cites the Catechism to encourage the faithful to express contrition, and make resolve to return to Sacrament as soon as it becomes possible. Pope Francis took up the question that many of the faithful are wrestling with as they are under lockdown with…

Church is caring for those who are unable to receive last Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick.

A message from the Apostolic Penitentiary on March 20 announces the granting of special indulgences for the victims of COVID-19. The Apostolic Penitentiary, formerly called the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary, is a dicastery of the Roman Curia and is one of the three ordinary tribunals of the Apostolic See. It applies to those…

Saint John Eudes, pray for us!

Let us tell him what is in our minds and ask him to intercede for us! St. John Eudes was born on a farm in northern France. He was 79 years old when he died, and with all he accomplished, at the end of his live he was living only in the next county. During…

These stories…into perspective.

These stories will put our momentary fast from the Body and Blood of Christ into perspective. With dioceses around the world canceling public Masses for weeks to come, many Catholics are already feeling starved for the Eucharist. When the world is fighting a global pandemic, it seems that the Mass would be more necessary than…

A Message from Fr. Gerard

We heard Matthew’s Gospel on Ash Wednesday–an invitation to Lenten traditional practices: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As we do every year, the parish invites us to deepen our prayer life and particularly using the booklets available at the back of the church and discover and pray the Stations of the Cross alone or with a…

Depths of Meaning – Baptism of our Lord

In 2005, I had the privilege of visiting the Jordan River in the land of Palestine, the site of today’s reading. The Jordan is not a wide river like the Mississippi – you can’t take boats on it. It’s perhaps better described as a stream or a creek, maybe 50 feet wide at most. For…