Upcoming Luncheon

A Senior and want to get involved?
Interested in volunteer opportunities?
Interested in donating and/or helping with upcoming projects and events?
Please contact the Parish Office at (858) 755-2545.
Weekly Event

Volunteers brightening the lives of senior adult parishioners.
The Senior Care Ministry focuses on engaging senior parishioners in parish life and providing opportunities for socialization and service. Senior Luncheons are held each month except in July and August. Watch the parish bulletin for senior activities and come join us!
Volunteers are always needed to help with senior projects and needs. Our team is made up of active parishioners who enjoy serving, creating meaningful events, and having fun! We also offer to match volunteers with seniors who request help. If you would like to help a senior parishioner or serve at our luncheons, please contact the parish office.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (858) 755-2545.