News (Page 5)

James Hubbell – Legacy at St. James

“His art was based on a philosophy of seeking inspiration in nature. Materials often included natural and found objects from his property or nearby sources. His work championed the forces in life that shape us: the good and the bad, the irregular and imperfect, and the joy and pathos of life.” James Hubbell, the talented…

Peanut Butter and Jelly Needed

Our peanut butter and jelly supplies are low. Please donate any flavor jelly and preferably smooth peanut butter. There is a bin in the St. James room at the church, or supplies can be dropped off at the parish office. We are very grateful for the support to feed our friends in need in Tijuana.…

Children’s Liturgy at Sunday 9am Mass!

We had a great start to our Children’s Liturgy last week, with many children joining us. It is a wonderful ministry, allowing the children to experience Liturgy of the Word at their level. We will continue Children’s Liturgy each week at 9am Mass. Children ages 4 and up are welcome. Those interested in volunteering, contact…