News (Page 36)

Tax Aide

St. James – St. Leo Catholic Community is again sponsoring free income tax assistance for 2018 Federal and California returns. Under the auspices of the AARP Tax-Aide program, this free tax preparation service is available to low-and middle income taxpayers, with the primary focus being on those who are 60 and older. The service will be offered each Saturday morning…

1st Communion Program Change

St. James Faith Formation (English program on Sunday) is moving from a recommended two-year program to a required two-year program for 1st Communion preparation. It is typically 1st-2nd grade, but older grades are welcome. This change will not impact currently enrolled students. Parish 1st graders (or older students needing sacraments) who are not currently enrolled may do so…

Prayer for Christian Unity

A Note from the Pastor:  Are you called to help? Friday, January 18,  marks the beginning of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. In a time when the sad divisions that separate the Christian churches seem even stronger, our parish is not planning an ecumenical event. See what a liturgy committee could do:…

National Migration Week

National Migration Week 2019 (January 6-12) For nearly a half century, the Catholic Church in the United States has celebrated National Migration Week, which is an opportunity for the Church to reflect on the circumstances confronting migrants, including immigrants, refugees, children, and victims and survivors of human trafficking. The theme for National Migration Week 2019,…

Fraudulent Emails!

ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! Fr. Gerard and Fr. Howard both had emails sent in their names (not their email address) asking for money and/or iTunes gift cards. If your received an email, please know they would never send an email asking for money! Sincerely, St. James/St. Leo Office

Welcome Our New Assistant Youth Minister, Stephen Williams!

Stephen Williams is the new Assistant Youth Minister at St. James – St. Leo Catholic Community. He will be primarily working with the St. James Youth Group (which meets every Sunday after the 6pm Mass) and with the St. James Academy. Stephen recently graduated with honors from the University Dallas with a Major in Pastoral Ministry, a concentration in Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and a minor…

St. John Eudes BIRTHDAY – November 14th!

Our friends the saints! This coming Wednesday, November 14th, we remember the birthday of JOHN EUDES Patron Saint of Fallen Women and Prostitutes. He is also with the Saint Cure of Ars the intercessor for bringing holiness to the priests. They were canonized the same day!  He was the fruit of an intense prayer from his parents to the…