News (Page 32)

Eudists in Kenya

BOYSTOWN-RUAI AND THE EUDISTS IN KENYA By Fr. Jean-Paul Sakoto, CJM Eudist priests came to Kenya in December 2014 to begin their first foundation in East Africa. They came at the invitation of Bishop Martin Kivuva Musonde of the diocese of Machakos to start a retreat center and care for a new parish in Mua…

For Lent, for Life!

What is Lent? Lent is our time of preparation. A 40-day journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Lent is a journey that spans Ash Wednesday through Holy Week, culminating in the great celebration of Easter. As Catholics, the spiritual pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving guide us in daily reflection on our own lives as…

AARP Tax-Aide

Saturday Mornings February 1st through April 11th 9am to 1pm St. James Parish Office St. James Church is again sponsoring free income tax assistance for 2019 Federal and California returns. This free tax-preparation service is available to low and middle-income taxpayers. Walk-in system.

Hospitality and Welcome Ambassadors needed!

The Pastoral Council’s Hospitality Committee is looking for individuals to assist in becoming hosts at the Welcome Kiosk which will be set up the First and Third Sundays after all Masses. Our team will use this venue to welcome new people to our community and provide information on the many ways all Parishioners can expand…

Low Gluten Hosts

Are you aware that you can receive Holy Communion on Sunday with a low-gluten host? Before Mass begins, ask any usher to direct you to the Sacristan, who will make sure a consecrated lowgluten host is available to you at Communion time.

Interfaith Shelter begins

MISSION: To provide a temporary winter shelter that is safe and warm in a supportive, caring environment for individuals and families who are homeless. HOW TO HELP: Volunteer to help provide a meal, stay overnight, or donate needed items for our guests staying in the parish hall. Breakdown volunteers needed: Sunday morning, January 19! CONTACT:…