There are many possible themes to explore in today’s readings – everything from Jesus’ first miracle to the amazing insights of St. Paul as he talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. more
Christmas season is short! We cram an awful lot of amazing scripture into a very few days. more
When we’re successful, we rarely listen to God’s word. Here’s another way to think about it… Read: 2nd Sunday Advent – December 9, 2018
In the midst of the scary predictions of the end times, Jesus tells the story of the budding fig tree. Why? Read: 33rd Sunday November 18, 2018
In the patriarchal societies in which these two widows lived, widowhood was an especially dangerous condition. When a woman married, she left the safety of her household and became dependent on her husband. If her husband died, she not only lost her partner, she lost her source of income, her economic standing, her social support, and likely her inheritance rights. No wonder…
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time B (Is 35:4-7; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37) By John H. Howard, C.J.M Although the words of Scriptures we read today were written long ago, God always speak to us in the present. When it was proclaimed by the prophets or by Jesus himself, it had an immediate application but also…
“He instructed them to take nothing for the journey.” When Jesus sent his Apostles out, He sent them “two by two,” and He basically commanded them to take nothing on the journey: “no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” The point of the Lord is that all they needed was to trust in God. Jesus more or less says the same thing to us.…
On June 29 the Church celebrates the feast day of Sts. Peter & Paul. As early as the year 258, there is evidence of an already lengthy tradition of celebrating the solemnities of both Saint Peter and Saint Paul on the same day. Together, the two saints are the founders of the See of Rome,…
The Bride and the Bridegroom at the Supper of the Lamb By Dr. Edward Sri. Updated by Fr. Gerard CJM From the Catholic Agency Praying mass… The priest says: “Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb.” These words certainly command our attention. And they underscore how the Eucharist is no…
Read 3rd Sunday of Easter – Deacon Peter