Promoting Equality & Justice

Upcoming Event

Faith in Action Monthly Meetings* 2nd Mondays 4:00 – 5:00 PM ![]() sjsl_fia CLICK HERE | Pax Christi San Diego* Monthly Meetings: 3rd Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 PM Monthly Centering Prayer* Saturday. 10:30 am |
*For more information, contact the Parish Office at (858) 755-2545
2023 Special Message from Pope Francis.
Promoting Equality & Justice
Mission Statement
Grounded in the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching, our mission is to educate and work in solidarity and inclusiveness for justice, equality, respect, and dignity for all our brothers and sisters and care for God’s creation.
We accept the obligation to follow Pope Francis’ insistence that we open our closed hearts by EDUCATING our community about the social justice issues that affect us, especially the most vulnerable, and PROMOTING projects, programs, policies that respect the dignity of all, by addressing issues regarding discrimination related to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, poverty, education, housing, policing, immigration, and care of the planet.
We are a national and international Catholic peace and justice movement that seeks to model the Peace of Christ in our witness to the mandate of the nonviolence of the cross. This is a local chapter of Pax Christi USA. Meetings are on the third Thursday of the month from 6:30 pm to 8 pm.
For more information about Pax Christi: and
Creation Care
The Creation Care Ministry advocates through civic and charitable acts, loving concern for, and protection of, all the natural gifts of God. The focus of this ministry is Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical PRAISE TO YOU (Laudato Si) On Care for Our Common Home.
Immigrant Advocacy
We advocate for the safety and well-being of our sisters, brothers, and children in immigrant families including their health, housing, education, employment, and protection from discrimination.
ESL and Citizenship Tutoring: Volunteers provide ESL and citizenship preparation through Pathways to Citizenship. For more information:
Human Trafficking
Catholic social teaching proclaims the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of all human life. Because every life is a gift from God and is sacred, it deserves to be protected and nurtured; we each have a responsibility to fight against the violation and degradation of our brothers and sisters. Eliminating human trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church.
Helpful Links:
Alliance San Diego
Friends of Friendship Park
Just Faith Ministries
Laudato Si
Pathways to Citizenship
San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP)
USCCB Catholic Social Teaching
The Faith in Action Committee, created in June 2020, is a subcommittee of the St. James-St. Leo Pastoral Council.