Upcoming Events

Square Dancing at St. James

Discover Square Dancing 6pmSt. James Parish Hall You are going to love It! SINGLES, COUPLES & FAMILIES $10 Donation – Casual Attire Partner Not Required, No Experience Needed Questions? Contact Christine (310)710-7530

New Year’s BINGO

6pm-9pm All Adults Welcome (18+) Proceeds benefit youth and adult programs at St. James and St. Leo Mission, and local outreach.

Adoration for Religious Vocations

Praying for Priestly Vocations 1st Tuesday/month “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lordof the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” – Luke 10:2 JOIN USIN THE ADORATION CHAPEL BEHIND THE ALTARAFTER 8:15 AM MASS,TO ADORE OUR LORD IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR .…

Bingo at St. James

Tuesdays 6pm-9pm All Adults Welcome (18+) Food Service by St. Leo Mission Proceeds benefit youth and adult programs at St. James and St. Leo Mission, and local outreach.