Shop and Enjoy Full Breakfast with the KOC!
Gifts to Make an Impact
Give gifts that celebrate the meaning of Christmas – gifts that honor Christ’s birth by continuing his work! St. James-St. Leo ministries and community organizations will provide opportunities for shoppers to buy goods that demonstrate commitment to justice and respect for human dignity.
♦ Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate (Catholic Relief Services)
♦ Jewelry (Friends of Kenya Orphans, Branch Out Market)
♦ Wooden Cutting Boards (St. James Academy)
♦ Gently Used Designer Apparel, Accessories, Holiday Décor (St. James Thrift Store)
♦ Baked Goods (Pax Christi San Diego)
♦ Religious Christmas Cards (Knights of Columbus Council, St. James-St. Leo #12749)
♦ Books (Eudist Associates, Whispering Winds Catholic Camp)
♦ Handmade Wooden Crosses (St. James-St. Leo Youth Ministry)
♦ Art Prints & Notecards (JAS Inspired Art: Sales benefit St. James-St. Leo Medical Clinic)
♦ Fair Trade Candles, Ornaments, Bags, Cards, Crosses & Baskets (Branch Out Market)
♦ Potted Succulents (St. James Mental Health Ministry)
Gifts of Hope
Give differently this year…Give the gift of Hope! Items purchased from the following ministries are a cash donation to support the program you select. You will receive a Christmas card to give to the gift recipient and an insert that describes the program and the organization you selected in his/her honor.
♦ Priests’ Retirement Fund, Spiritual Nourishment (Eudist Associates)
♦ St. James Academy Annual Fund: Program Support and Tuition Assistance (St. James Academy)
♦ Meals for World Hunger, Tutoring Program Books & Supplies (St. James Mission Circle)
♦ Tuition Assistance (St. James Mission Circle “Futures” Program) Medications & Medical Services (St. James-St. Leo Medical-Dental Clinic)
♦ World Youth Day Support (St. James-St. Leo Youth Ministry)
♦ Food & Shelter for Homeless Persons & Families (Interfaith Shelter Network)
♦ Shoes for Children-International (Shoes to the World)
♦ Teenology Rangers Leadership Camp (La Colonia De Eden Gardens)
♦ Peacemaking & Interfaith Events, Community Education (Pax Christi San Diego)
♦ Citizenship Services (North County Immigration & Citizenship Center)