Parish News (Page 15)

Easter Flower Offering

If you would like to make a donation towards the Easter flowers and decorations in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please return your Easter Flower Offering envelope to the parish office or place it in the offertory basket. Please print clearly. You can also email your request to Virginia Lopez at…

Retirement Celebration – March 11

Sunday, March 1111amPauline’s Mass of Gratitude to God plus the Goodbye Reception afterwards in parish HALL. If you cannot attend the 11:00 a.m. mass, it will be livestreamed: For the reception, you must RSVP to: Come to this JOY-FILLED Mass & Celebration for Pauline’s Retirement after 56 years of MUSIC MINISTRY Service to the Lord (37 at St. James-St. Leo)!…

Centering Prayer Tuesdays

Centering Prayer is a method of contemplative prayer in which you place yourself mindfully in the presence of God for a 20 minute ‘sit’. Our St. James Centering Prayer group meets Tuesdays after Mass in the St. James Room. Should you have any interest or questions please contact Ann Deakers at

Peanut Butter and Jelly Needed

The PB&J Ministry needs more smooth peanut butter and jelly (any flavor). Thank you for your generosity in supporting this worthwhile ministry that helps to feed the hungry. Peanut butter and jelly can be brought to the parish office or to the St. James room at the church.