Breakfast Served: 10 – 11:15 am Parish Hall doors open at 10:00 am Hosted by the Knights of Columbus This full breakfast features buttermilk pancakes, juice, fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and sausage. No Cost. Donations Accepted In lieu of charging for breakfast, the Knights are soliciting donations that will be passed on to the…
K of C Football Fundraiser Support Church, School, CommunityBuy $20 Football Mania Sweepstakes Tickets On-line or After MassWinner every week – NO Football Knowledge Needed!
The Knight of Columbus are holding a fundraiser for the parish and school with the Annual HoopsMania Charity Fundraiser! It is based on the NCAA College Basketball Tourney, but no basketball knowledge is needed. Win one of 75 prizes up to $500! Sales are after each weekend Mass through March 17, and online at the…