A Note from the Pastor – May 24

The Gospel speaks of the Trinity while sending forth the eleven as if they are now integrated into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the breath that will restore trust, joy, and faith in God’s eternal love. 

The eleven went to the mountain of Galilee, even those who doubted. An ego-wounded community felt inadequate after betraying and deserting the master and the loss of the life of one of the twelve.

Despite their doubts, Jesus does not abandon them but lovingly draws near. Sometimes, we feel God is carelessly far away; Jesus dispels this vision; he is Emmanuel-God with us. 

Jesus does not accept distances: he is still not tired of approaching and explaining. He is still not tired of waiting for me in my slowness to believe; he comes closer, eyes to eyes, breath on breath. 

Jesus is not the God of the past but of the future. Our God is always “on the way.” On his way to Jerusalem, he healed the blind and brought Lazarus out of the tomb. His love regenerates and clears my vision.

God is aware of human fragility. Humans know what they need, but they always look in the wrong place and stubbornly insist that it has to be there! 

Jesus doesn’t waste time on “You should’ve.” He redirects the disciples’ hearts and entrusts them with the mission to tell good news to everyone everywhere. Is he sure? 

He reveals his great strategy: “I am with you always!”